Skin Intelligence

Truth in Skin Care

The search for the holy grail in anti-ageing skin care sees consumers spend about $827 billion a year around the world on cosmetics and personal care products, and growing at about 7% a year. This is no different in Australia, where we spend about $6.5 billion a year. In recent years, skin care sales have been growing a healthy 7-8% a year, while the cosmeceutical and natural skin care segments have been growing even faster, 25-30%.

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Healthy Skin

We all want results from our skin care routine. But are we buying the best skin care products or just the best skin care claims? Skin care science and skin care marketing are not the same thing. Being the voice of truth, we need to tell you that great skin can only be achieved slowly over time, with patience and dedication. Skin remodelling is not like house remodelling on those not-so-real reality TV shows.

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Sunscreen Ingredients

The sun is the leading cause of skin damage. Yet, for some reason, we tend to skimp on how much we spend on sunscreen while happily going overboard on other skin care products. We assume that all sunscreen ingredients are equally safe and so do not consider whether some are best avoided.

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Fragrance in skin care

Skin care manufacturers love to use fragrance in skin care. Sometimes to mask the smell of other ingredients in their formulations, but usually because consumers say they enjoy it as part of their experience of application.

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Essential Oils

The use of essential oils in skin care products is increasing. More and more brands want to position themselves as natural and are using essential oils to replace fragrance oils. However high levels of essential oils in skin care products can be problematic for the skin.

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The Skin Barrier

It all starts with the skin barrier, the outermost layer of the skin. This is the first line of defence for our skin, and it functions to keep pollutants and bacteria out while keeping moisture in.

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Skin Concerns

We’ve got your skin concern covered: acne, dryness, oiliness, pigmentation, sensitivity, rosacea, visible pores. With our Skin Intelligence, you can find the best skin care routine for your skin.

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Skin Care Ingredients

The search for great skin care products is like being at a wedding banquet but finding nothing to eat. Despite the thousands of products offering much hope and promise, so few meet our criteria.

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Hero Ingredients

Every story that has a villain also has to have a hero. Ours has many heroes. And just like heroes in literature and film, our heroes are here because they have special achievements. Of course, there are many, many other great ingredients, both established and emerging, however we have included those with the most science behind them and can benefit many skin types.

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Skin’s Youth Layer

What really makes us look old? Collagen and elastin in the skin provide the structural support. Over time, they are damaged through the natural ageing process, smoking, our diets and exposure to UV radiation. Our skin then starts to lose its youthful fullness, lines develop and sagging starts to occur.

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