Why Skin Clinica


We have so many skin care products and ingredients available to us from around the world these days that it has become all too confusing. Skin care is no longer just skin care.

We now have botanical, cosmeceutical, customised, dermaceutical, luxury, natural, organic and vegan skin care categories, as well as our regular skin care categories.

SKIN CLINICA is here to help you make sense of it all. We hope that, by sharing our knowledge through our Skin Intelligence and Blog articles, you will be able to put together the best skin care routine to tackle your skin concerns. We want you to better understand skin care ingredients so that you can be confident in choosing skin care products that deliver results based on science and actives, not marketing claims. With us, you can learn which ingredients to look for and which ones to avoid so that you are not unknowingly harming your skin. And it certainly is not as simple as choosing natural instead of synthetically created skin care products!

The simple old days of just using DOVE Beauty Cream Bar to cleanse and a few dabs of thick NIVEA Crème to moisturise are long passed. And no longer is a Vitamin C serum just a Vitamin C serum or a Vitamin A cream just a Vitamin A cream – there are so many types, so many formulations, so many derivatives that it is a complex and confusing. One top brand will claim its Vitamin C derivative at 1% is better than another top brand’s at 10% L-Ascorbic Acid. Should I use Glycolic Acid every day? Are Human Growth Factors safe? Do peptides actually penetrate? How do I combine them? We see this complexity and confusion play out across so many areas of skin care, across brands, across formulas, across ingredients.

There are so many different recommendations on what products and ingredients to use, even among aestheticians and dermatologists, that it can all seem bewildering. Marketing claims and consumer satisfaction trials make it all the harder still, always skating on the edge of truth. And that is why we created SKIN CLINICA.

We have all benefited from the tremendous shift in skin care ingredients and technologies, but this has the more more and more complex skin care routines that go with this are leaving many floundering in trying to make sense of it all. So you are not alone in being frustrated and unable to put it all together into one consistent and effective skin care routine.

Look at something that should be simple and straightforward: sunscreen. It is anything but that. We slather it over our faces, hands and bodies – just as we are told to – without knowing that chemical sunscreens are full of, well, chemicals, many of which can create free radicals, cause DNA damage and trigger endocrine and hormone disruption. Not only are many unsafe for us, they are unsafe for coral reefs and marine life.

Unfortunately, many companies prefer not to declare all the ingredients, on the grounds they are not required to by law. Take note of how many big brand companies avoid telling you what is in their sunscreen. We believe in consumer transparency, so it is sad, at best, that a consumer is not told at the point of sale that their favourite so-called ‘sensitive’ sunscreen has a chemical that is banned in some countries, or has Denatured Alcohol as its second ingredient or even reacts, for example, with your topically applied Vitamin C.

Use our Skin Intelligence to confidently develop your skin care routine, choose the right products and tackle your skin concerns.

Confusion And Frustration In Skin Care

We hear you! It is frustrating.

  • Should I use a Vitamin C serum in the morning for protection or in the evening for repair? What form of Vitamin C is best for collagen stimulation? Can I combine Vitamin C and Retinol?
  • My skin is prone to acne, but when I use the products recommended my skin becomes sensitised, dehydrated and flaky.
  • I have sensitive skin with broken capillaries and want to introduce more active products, but fear my skin will flare up. I feel stuck.
  • My friends use Retinol and swear by it. I’m 25 and don’t want to look old, should I start using it now?
  • I have been using Hyaluronic Acid for my dry and dehydrated skin, but it now feels tighter and drier than ever. Should I stop using it or try another brand?

With more and more actives and correctives in skin care products on the market, we are seeing the emergence of the Wild West, especially when they are overused or combined in the wrong way. Some products have ingredients so novel that they can slip through existing regulatory frameworks, such as happened with Human Growth Factors.

Many people are not appreciating the strength of some new generation products and using them in a chaotic rather than planned way, without any advice. And the result can be disastrous for their skin.

We are also seeing some poor formulations being put out by brands to ride the wave of the latest crazy fad. They use their great marketing power to hype up their undeserved products through social media influencers and referral schemes. Yet some other better and cheaper brands get lost in all those Selfie poses.

If you would like indepth information on tackling your skin concerns and a customised skin care routine, see our Skin Care Packages page.

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