What is Skin Analysis?

Wondering ‘what is skin analysis’ and whether it can help you?

A skin analysis, sometimes referred to as a skin consultation, can set you on the right path to achieve your skin care goals and get results faster.

Consider this: 67% of Australian women are not confident they are using the right products for their skin? As a result, many of them are following the wrong skin care routine and potentially damaging or prematurely ageing their skin.

Most women, and men, have never had a true skin analysis or skin consultation done. They typically guess their skin type, do an online quiz or have an aesthetician tell them in passing, usually during a facial. So, it is not surprising, many get it wrong.

More than 50% of women and 38% of men think they have sensitive skin, yet only 19% of women and 11% of men actually have sensitive skin!

But there is a lot more to a skin analysis.

It involves a trained professional examining your skin to determine your actual skin type, assessing your skin health, developing a personalised skin care routine and recommending the right skin care products.

Why have a skin analysis?

Completing a dedicated skin consultation enables you to correctly care for your skin and improve your skin results or alleviate certain skin issues. You also may be recommended in-clinic treatments to achieve faster results or possibly even referred to a medical professional.

The skin is the body’s largest organ and it is a lot more complex and interconnected than first thought. There are incredible connections and pathways between the skin, the brain and the gut.

Many health issues manifest in the skin, and sometimes the skin provides the first signs that there is something going on in the body. For example, there are at least 11 ways that diabetes shows up in the skin. What may appear to the untrained eye as rosacea may be caused by the disease lupus. Dry, flaky skin may be more than just dry, flaky skin; it may be related to hypothyroidism, which affects sweat gland function. And puffy eyes with a dark purple shadow may be linked to allergies. Extreme paleness may be associated with anaemia and itchy patches of red bumps on the skin could be caused by coeliac disease, an immune disorder that affects the small intestine.

It is certainly not the role of the aesthetician to diagnose these disorders, but a well-trained aesthetician can alert you to the need to see a doctor or dermatologist to investigate a potential health issue.

Differentiating skin types and  conditions

It can all get rather confusing sometimes. Skin types and skin concerns often get a little blurred. But let me break this down to make it a little clearer. There are five skin types and eight skin concerns.

Skin types
  • Combination
  • Dry
  • Normal
  • Oily
  • Sensitive
Skin concerns
  • Acne
  • Ageing
  • Dehydration
  • Discoloration
  • Pigmentation
  • Rosacea
  • Uneven texture
  • Enlarged pores

It may not be immediately obvious what your skin type and skin concerns are, and it is even harder to put together the right skin care routine when you’re dealing with a challenging skin type and multiple skin concerns.

Even aestheticians often get this wrong. Unfortunately, much of the training aestheticians receive on skin care products comes from the brands they carry. They do little or no independent study of the science, research into actives or testing of the products themselves. Most aestheticians do not even get a say in the products that have been selected – they are simply required, and even incentivised, to sell those products by the business owner. This often results in people being put onto the wrong skin care routine and products.

Skin types and skin concerns often get a little blurred too. It is very easy to confuse dry skin with sensitive skin or sensitised skin with sensitive skin or dry skin with dehydrated skin or irritated skin with rosacea

Using the right skin products is essential to maintain the health of your skin and to tackle any skin concerns you may be experiencing, such as acne, rosacea, sensitivity, pigmentation or ageing.

Using the wrong products can make your skin worse. Some products have ingredients that can cause breakouts and worsen acne. Others contain ingredients that are irritants to sensitive skin and are linked to rosacea flare-ups. And others still have the potential to cause pigmentation. And that is not something that is immediately obvious to a lot of people. Even innocuous ingredients can be problematic for some in that they feed the Demodex mite or Malassezia yeast.

Many find ingredient lists daunting and so rely on the marketing claims on the product packaging or ask the sales assistant at their favourite beauty store.

At Skin Clinica, we do things differently. We carefully screen all the ingredients in a formulation and will not sell any product that our research and testing tell us is not good for the health of the skin.

What are the benefits?

A skin analysis equips you with information you need to achieve better skin.

An aesthetician telling you that you have a certain skin type during a facial is not a true skin analysis or skin consultation. The aesthetician is not spending any real time with you to diagnose your skin health and understand factors affecting your total health and potentially your skin. There is no dedicated focus on looking more deeply at your skin, determining what may be affecting it and developing a skin care routine that’s specific to you.

Almost all the so-called ‘skin care plans’ given to you after a facial or beauty treatment are rudimentary and generic. They are really designed to sell their range of products. In many cases, these plans do more harm than good as people think they have been advised to use certain products that really have not been carefully screened or appropriately matched to your skin.

Another significant problem is that people increasingly use products from different brands without understanding what active ingredients are in them and how to combine them. These days, people do not use skin care products from one skin care range, and the industry has not fully caught up with this.

Everyone wants results, and quickly. This is causing more and more skin issues, and even skin damage. Skin care brands are increasingly formulating with potent actives to get visible results. They are also combining multiple actives to deliver greater punch. And they are adding penetration enhancers or using new technologies to try to achieve deeper delivery into the skin.

Active ingredients need to be understood and respected, and used carefully. People ar increasingly damaging their skin through the overuse of actives or through an overly aggressive skin care routine. Just because your skin is not showing outward signs of irritation does not mean that inflammation is not occurring at the deeper levels or that it will not cry out later for you to put the brakes on. Remember that inflammation in the skin causes accelerated ageing.

What can you expect?

A true skin analysis or skin consultation involves 1-1.5 hours of an aesthetician’s time examining your skin, asking questions about your skin and health, developing a personalised skin care routine and making skin care product recommendations. It may or may not involve using a Woods Lamp Moisture Analyser.

Having a dedicated skin analysis or skin consultation by a trained expert can be very helpful.

To ensure you are getting the best skin consultation possible, ask your aesthetician whether the following are included as part of the service:

  1. Dedicated time and care to looking at your skin and skin health.
  2. An overview of the current state of your skin.
  3. A review of your skin health and any risk factors for skin problems. This means that any suspected health issues can be highlighted so that you can consult a medical professional. In the case of acne, this is very important to avoid scarring.
  4. The identification of your skin type. For example, you may think you have sensitive skin when you have sensitised skin and impaired skin barrier that needs to be repaired.
  5. The identification of any skin concerns. For example, you think you have acne and nothing is working but you actually have Pityrospurum folliculitis or Malassezia folliculitis.
  6. The detection of skin damage. The earlier this is identified, the easier it is to treat. For example, you may be harming your skin through an overly aggressive skin routine or use of photosensitising products.
  7. The preparation of a personalised skin care routine for you.
  8. The intelligent recommendation of skin care products for your skin type and skin care concerns.

Who can benefit?

Most people can benefit from a skin analysis: men, women and even teenagers. Not only does it help you achieve better skin, but it can also save you a lot of money, really!

Whether you are concerned about acne, ageing skin, dehydration, sensitivity, rosacea or pigmentation, a trained aesthetician with expertise in skin analysis can determine what is happening with your skin, put you onto the right skin care routine and match you to effective skin care products.

At Skin Clinica, we have helped those who were frustrated because they could not find anything to improve what they thought was acne but was really caused by their skin care products.

We have helped those who thought they had rosacea but were just using products that were causing significant irritation. And the more irritated their skin looked, the more of their products they used, created a vicious cycle.

We have helped those who thought their skin was purging when they were overdoing their actives and damaging their skin barrier.

We have helped those with pigmentation who were worsening their discoloration by using skin care products that had high levels of culprit essential oils.

And we can help you too.

Getting to the bottom of things takes training and expertise, and a bit of detective work too sometimes. You need to figure out what is really happening behind the scenes. This is not something a sales assistant is trained or incentivised to do. Their role is to sell you a product, or a number of products, and if those products don’t work out it means a new load of sales next time. “Sorry those products weren’t right. Every skin is individual. But here are some others you can try!” Sound familiar?

So many skin care products have known irritants or ingredients that really are not good for the health of the skin. Many skin care products have known irritants in them. Even if you get short-term results, you need to consider the long-term damage you may be doing to your skin. You do not want to look into the mirror one day to see the uglies – sagging skin and pronounced wrinkles – despite all the money you have spent on skin care!

Why book with Skin Clinica?

Not all skin analysis is created equal. At Skin Clinica, we like to do a little more than even the best. We want you to understand your skin and how to care for it. This puts you in the driver’s seat.

We always look to identify affordable skin care products that deliver results, rather than focus on the most expensive ones. No one will stick with their skin care routine if the products are not easily accessible or well priced.

When buying a skin care consultation with Skin Clinica, you also get a skin care information kit. Your skin care information kit contains your personalised skin care routine and an invaluable comprehensive skin care guide that includes:

  • detailed information on your skin type
  • the type of active ingredients that can help your skin
  • the type of ingredients that can irritate or damage your skin
  • what combinations of actives to avoid
  • what treatments may be available

So now you know what is skin analysis and how it can it can help you.

If you prefer to assess your own skin and develop your own skin care routine, we can help you do that better, much better, so you get results the right way. We have downloadable ready-made skin care guides and skin care routines. You get both a comprehensive skin care guide and a skin care routine. These are available for Acne, Combination, Dry, Normal, Oily, Sensitive or Rosacea.

And you can access our detailed pro Top Skin Care Tips when you sign up for our news and updates.

Get the glowing skin you want. Book your skin analysis today with Skin Clinica.

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