Skin Care Protocol Keratosis Pilaris



Now you can finally improve the look and feel of those ugly keratosis pilaris bumps. Use our simple step-by-step expert guide to manage your skin condition and be confident in yourself. It’s super easy, inexpensive and, best of all, can be done at home



Our Skin Care Protocol for Keratosis Pilaris gives you access to our expert knowledge so you can finally get on top of those dreaded red bumps.

It helps you improve the look and feel of your keratosis pilaris so that you no longer have to be self-conscious about it.

We explain what keratosis pilaris is and what causes it.

We tell you which active ingredients to use.

We tell you exactly what steps to follow to improve your skin.

In this Skin Care Protocol for Keratosis Pilaris, you get all you need to finally get control of your keratosis pilaris rather than have it control you.

This includes:

  • A comprehensive 10-page guide on keratosis pilaris.
  • A step-by-step protocol to follow for normal skin and sensitive skin.
  • The active ingredients to use and their recommended strengths.
  • Useful information on what lifestyle measures can help.
  • Useful information on what dietary nutrients can help.
  • An illustrated guide on what to look for in a body moisturiser and what ingredients help
    keep skin healthy.

You will be equipped with all the information you need to better understand your keratosis pilaris and know what you can do to improve it. Now you no longer need to feel confused, frustrated or despondent. There is something you can do about, and it’s simple and inexpensive.

Get your Skin Care Protocol for Keratosis Pilaris today and achieve your best skin yet.

You can contact us if you require further help or would like an individual Skin Care Consultation.

You can also read more about keratosis pilaris in our blog article Keratosis Pilaris Treatment.


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